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10 Benefits of Being a Blogger You Need To Know

sumber101 Richard Wheeler the author of the phenomenal novel American West once said, people who want their dreams come true, must keep themselves from falling asleep. These words remind us that whatever we dream of must be done as well as possible.

There isn't a single field that people are involved in without a big goal. Even being a blogger, there is always a sweet gift at the end of the trip. From Richard Wheeler's words, it also makes us aware that everything has risks but also saves benefits.

I on many occasions often meet people who have a great interest in the world of blogging. But the only intention from the mouth. After walking for one or two months, it turns out the novice blogger is dim and back in another world.

There are many reasons why sometimes someone does not want to continue their work in the world of blogs. One of the reasons is because he did not find a strong reason why he should study. If this isn't there, then a blogger's history is over. Therefore, the blog Sumber101 some time ago made a writing about this reason.

In this article, Blog sumber101 will strengthen the reason why you should study it by presenting 10 benefits that can be achieved if you actively blog. This benefit is of course not only from my experience but from many cases and people around me. Anything? Here's the full!

1. Become a Great Writer

Raditya Dika produced many books because he started by writing. Writing is not directly into the book but through the medium of the blog. Nobody expected Raditya to be a great writer from his little graffiti on the blog.

All writers who start from a blog must start with halting. Writing it seems easy, but when you try it it will be difficult if you are not used to it. One way to get used to is to write. The most ideal place to start is, of course, a blog. The longer you try and learn, believe and believe our abilities will increase.

So if you have a dream to be a writer, start by creating a blog and filling it with your own writing. Whatever it is. Eventually, the writing skills that were initially minimal will increase along with the love of the world of writing.

2. Become a Personal Branding blog

One of my friends in Makassar was once offered by one of the big companies in the mining sector because he saw the writings he uploaded on his personal blog. The company was amazed by the ability of my friend to process words into one story. In short, he was contracted for 3 years to manage the company's internal magazine. His salary was quite big.

This is a small example of the benefits of blogs that we can get. Blogs will be personal branding for the owner. In America, 9 out of 10 companies will conduct a portfolio examination of prospective applicants in their company by following in their footsteps in the online world. One way to make this an added value is of course by improving the portfolio.

A good portfolio, the blog that we manage. By that, it is a loss for someone who is blogging by relying on copy-paste of someone else's writing.

3. Build a Friendship Network

One of the advantages of a blog is its unlimited reach. Therefore, it will be easy for a blogger to build an unlimited network of friends. One of the Blogooblok readers, for example, once sent an e-mail and claimed to be in Thailand, even though he was native to Indonesia.

This is an example, blogs will really help us create new and unlimited networks. Especially if the owner or manager of the blog is also someone who is sociable, not arrogant and sociable. With a good network of friends, one day it will bring enormous benefits, one of which will be easy to build a business.

So, never underestimate the reader on your blog, try to make a return visit so that one day there will be a friendship system. I always appreciate the people who visit this blog and comment. I will always try to visit back and comment on his blog if it is interesting.

4. Becoming a Socially Devoted Person

Amid the increasingly massive use of the internet in Indonesia, a person's interaction in the real world has been reduced somewhat. People will be happier expressing their problems in cyberspace. This condition makes many people more closed, but happy to find solutions on the internet.

A good blogger is one who always benefits others. Always present the solution to one problem, not the one that gives the impression of being pessimistic. Bloggers who always provide solutions to others indirectly shape themselves socially.

You can imagine for example a girl who broke up and then wanted to commit suicide. If he finds an article on the internet that does not make him calm, then his suicidal intentions will soon be realized. Different, for example, he found an article that strengthened himself, it could be that his suicide intentions will disappear.

5. Become an influential person

Arianna Huffington is one of the real examples in the world of blogging which, from her hobby of writing, makes her an influential person in America. Because of his critical writings on politics in America at the time, his personal blog The Huffington Post became quite influential media, until finally, the blog became a medium of great news.

Another example is Linda Ikeji, a young woman from Nigeria who writes anything on her free blog to make her the most influential woman in her country. They all got the title only from their hobby of writing on a blog.

It is possible that many young bloggers in Indonesia will become influential people only from their writings on blogs. One of the keys to achieving this is by consistently and actively writing from blogs.

6. Keep the Passion Want to Learn

Choosing to become a blogger certainly sets in that you want to continue learning. Bloggers who like copy paste are like stupid bloggers who actually plunge themselves. Being a blogger will take care of your inner passion to continuously gain knowledge.

Sometimes when age begins to age, pride in the knowledge gained in college will increasingly become a reality. But, a blogger will continue to learn and apply his knowledge.

Suppose a doctor who wants to write about his knowledge on a blog, he will certainly study other fields so that what he wants to convey can be understood by the reader. If a doctor speaks in scientific language, there is a small possibility that he understands only from among them, and there are many other examples.

7. Never Miss Age

The term  "Less Update" for a blogger will disappear, because a good blogger will continuously renew his knowledge of everything. Any field of science will now be continuously updated, by which blogger will also follow that development carefully.

For example, someone who wants to become a blogger inevitably will find references to how to make a good blog. If he is still using the old method, it will certainly be left behind, because over time, how to keep a blog updated, it becomes simpler and easier.

For bloggers who write articles, blogging on their blogs will continue to update their knowledge. That is why very little a blogger who can either be outdated or missing information.

8. Become More Creative

Blogging is a powerful form of self-expression. Blogging is the strongest form to express yourself. This encourages a person to be more creative than before. In addition to taking care of themselves to stay passionate about finding the latest knowledge and information, a blogger will also be far more creative.

There are a lot of bloggers who don't even wrestle the world of writing, they also combine the world of writing with audio video. And not a few of them actually gained high popularity by becoming more creative in the world of blogs.

For example again Raditya Dika or brother of Dovi and Jovi . Or what is not less exciting is the pair of Jebraw and Naya Anindita who successfully made MalesBanget.com thanks to their creative ideas from the video of the journey of Men! Travel. And there are many other examples of success.

9. Build Trust

Trust or trust is the number one thing in the business world. Likewise in the world of blogs. You will be a person who is loved even respected by cyber visitors if you are a trusted person.

Imagine, for example, on your blog loading articles that are endorsed by one product. But because you don't get the trust of people, few readers will trust the writing. Although it is possible, the endorsed goods are indeed good. The loss is the product owner.

Therefore, a good blogger will certainly get the trust of his readers as well. That way, whatever will be done will be accepted voluntarily and easily. For example, once you build an online store, because of a good reputation, the online store will be crowded, because you are a trusted person.

10. Blogging Can Make Money

This is not a dream. Blogs can indeed make money. Not only hundreds of thousands, even hundreds of millions. But, this process is not easy. By this, my blog puts this benefit at the latest. Because novice bloggers must build the above 9 benefits first.

Many ask, from where a blogger can make money. Of course, the answer is diverse because the source of income in the blog world is very much even though not all are promising. As a blogger, we also have to be smart to choose the best way to make money.

One example of a successful blogger is Pat Flynn from Southern California, America. Fat income in 2014 then reached the figure of 1 million dollars. Fat's income was achieved after he decided to quit his good job in 2008.

         In essence, nothing is in vain if we do it well and sincerely. Especially if it is based on sincere intentions to help others. Indeed, being a blogger requires a lot of time and energy. Especially if you decide to become a full-time blogger. The environment in which we live still often underestimates a blogger.

Especially if in the midst of a large family and are asked what work is currently done. Explain that now we are a blogger, it takes a long time and they don't necessarily understand. Already, we will be compared with other families who have become civil servants or police. It hurts everywhere!

But, whatever it is, becoming a blogger doesn't have to leave a real job. We can compensate by filling out or updating a blog when it is vacant. The choice to become a full-time new blogger you decide when really the blog that you build is big and promising.

The 10 benefits of being a blogger above are certainly only a small part of many other benefits. Maybe, for you, there is another significant thing about being a blogger. It doesn't hurt to share with other readers in the comments column.

Greetings, Bloggers and Don't Forget to Be Happy!
Wassalam !!!!
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